Sunday, June 8, 2008

If Anwar could read this...

Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim, all-time favorite political figure of Malaysia was in the Philippines reportedly for two days.  From his itenerary he was to attend a forum at RCBC on Islam and Peace.  From the media, we are told that he met first with former president Fidel Valdez Ramos together with his spouse MP Wan Azizah wan Ismail, then he went to No. 1 Polk St., Greenhills for a dinner hosted by Erap for him and Desperate Housewives star and Jon Stewart's slut, Cory Aquino.

Anwar is not loved by his former mentor -- Dr. Mahathir Mohamad -- Malaysia's former Prime Minister-PM.  Some of the other incumbents and has-beens in Malaysia do not like Anwar.  No wonder they threw him in jail.

It is merely because, Anwar is open about cooperating, as needed, with the West, something that is abominable to many fundamentalist and self-declared nationalists and patriots of Malaysia.  The primary defense if you ask me, is that Anwar had to diplomatically deal with the rest of the world being the Malaysian emissary on finance and economic matters.  That was the job Mahathir originally gave him in the first place.  But as always, no one is able to please everybody all the time.  Human nature.

Anwar simply had no qualms about trying to please all fellow Malaysians, fellow Muslims and other creatures about the things he was doing for the good of Malaysia.  So that's how he got into trouble.

Erap and Cory think they are Anwar's closest friends.  Where does that leave the Lady by the Pasig?  Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo?  Not necessarily in the kankungan.   Not necessarily.

When he was younger, Anwar as an activist, travelled to the Philippines and sought refuge here among fellow intellectuals and activists.  Not surprising if Anwar will be well-acquainted with Nurijin Misuari popularly known as Nur, who was a protege of former activist Renato Constantino, the father of Carina Constantino David, wife of Randolph David.

Along with Nur Misuari, there were others with whom Anwar interacted with very deeply in the Philippines.  Among them was intellectual, Cesar A. Majul, foremost historian and deeply respected professor in the University of the Philippines and in the whole community of scholars, academicians and intellectuals.  Another was Majul's own ward, Prof. Jalaluddin.  And possibly, currently Institute of Islamic Affairs Prof. (Ustadz) Julkipli Wadi, more or less a counterpart of Jalaluddin.

From the venerable Prof. Majul, Anwar learned to respect Jose Rizal, Apolinario Mabini and other Filipinos more than most pinoys could ever ever do.  In a way, Anwar volunteered himself as a student of the great Prof. Majul.

The present events in Malaysia are staggering, although they are peaceful and never tainted with threats of coups by paid-for nincompoop generals, colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, sergeants and privates or even military deserters and very very brave non-military quislings, nor hyfalutin reform and armed revolution blackmailing threats by communists, nor the hostaging of the peace through a punitive wave of high crimes.

Anwar is riding the crest of the wave of these events.  Together with his spouse Dr. Azizah they are creating a more open, more democratic society out of our brother Malay nation.

Sen. Heherson Alvarez said so in his late-night interview with Anwar and Dr. Azizah that was possibly done at Dusit Hotel, in Makati, for TV station channel 4.  (At least that's what the camera kept showing during the intermissions.)

Anwar's political party recently harvested a huge victory during the recent parliament elections in Malaysia, taking about one third of the entire delegates of the Malaysian Parliament.  The United Malay Nationalist Organisation  or UMNO, has slowly lost its credibility and its coalesced political parties are in danger of switching to the side of Anwar.

From a very positive point of view, Anwar has arrived in Malaysian politics.  It would be regrettable however if he would be treated by the powers that be like the late Madame Bhutto, who had to go down by an assassin's bullet.

I pray that the Malaysians will be decent enough to allow the waves of change to sweep over their country as peacefully as can be.  I will not fault Anwar for considering Erap and Cory as friends.  As persons, they must have shown kindness and goodness to Anwar, in one way or the other.  As politicians and professionals, there is nothing for me to say about a relationship between Erap - Cory and Anwar.  I doubt if they have anything good to contribute to the Malaysian peaceful revolution that could help.  If for no other reason, Anwar should not even touch Erap and Cory's tainted politics with a ten-foot pole.

I will not pretend to be the blogging expert on demonology, but after all, even in Islam, there is Pazuzu, one of the arabic terms for Satan or Devil -- also generically known as the jinn  or "genie" and Anwar must be wary of Erap and Cory's Pazuzu.

Mabuhay! Future Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim!!! May your struggle in Malaysia bear fruit! May God be with You!!! May the Pazuzu not influence you in any way! We will all pray for your victory!!!

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