Saturday, March 8, 2008

the melodrama

I got this from:

Issues melodrama is a subgenre of melodrama in which current events or politics are given a dramatic treatment, hoping to use some recent crime or controversy as a vehicle to draw an emotional response from the viewer. The usual method is to involve lawyers, police officers, or physicians, who can then make speeches about the crime or controversy being dramatized. By this artifice, the dramatist seeks to engage the audience's recently refreshed sense of fear or moral disapproval, while simultaneously maintaining the posture that the drama so produced is timely and socially engaged.

one often wondered where all this stupidity is leading to?  some say uncle sam is involved.  at a certain point i thought it was uncle inchic that was behind it.  but then, after what joe c. perez a/k/a joe devenecia, jr. did to the inchic, it doesn't sound plausible at all anymore.

they say that some right leaning rebel soldiers are on the payroll of some foreign entity.  maybe true, at that.  like my dad used to say, the abbas brothers were agents of indonesia spying on the philippines.  joe perez says 'ramos to bolt from arroyo sooner' or something like that in today's newspapers.  but whatever, i think something else is driving joe perez and his son, joey perez perez (a/k/a joey perez devenecia, the 3rd) to their damnation and in turn they will lead us all into hell together with their anointed new minion, joon lozada.  they must have blackmailed him so hard despite that he was their loyal long-time soldier (read:  employee) because they know his secret of being the boyfriend of one of their own employees too who is being hounded by senate to testify again after his/her previous grillings.

so our joon is a homo or a bi, that explains why he is such a crying lady.

since joe perez, angel lagdameo, oscar cruz, teddy bacani and their fellow satanists are the ones leading the initiative, joon must indeed be a recruitable to them.  and more or less, we know who is driving our friends into serious madness.

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